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Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) describes a physical-optical analysis method based on spectroscopy in the range of short-wave infrared light. The method originally comes from the medical sector but has also been used in agriculture for many years. For analysis, the medium (e.g. liquid manure) is irradiated with near infrared light - the human eye cannot perceive this. With the help of reflection, the NIRS sensor is able to detect the ingredients based on the difference between irradiated and reflected light.

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Why NIRS Technology
has revolutionized Agriculture

Real-time Data Collection for Sustainable Agriculture

And why should also you rely on NIRS? The system has revolutionized agriculture. It has never been easier to detect ingredients in real time. The accuracy of the analysis is comparable to the results in laboratories. Meanwhile, farmers and contractors save a lot of time. With our online measuring systems, users receive live information on all important ingredients. In cooperation with you, our customers, we can thus make an important contribution to a more sustainable agriculture. We are aware of our responsibility as a producer of sensitive measurement technology. Therefore, quality assurance is of utmost importance to us and we are looking forward to supporting you in the optimal calibration.

Data Pool for more Security

For absolutely precise data, our NIRS technology is constantly recalibrated with reference samples that match the respective region. The databases are continuously supplemented with new reference samples, improved and made even more precise. In this way, we can guarantee the highest level of accuracy in the analysis at all times.

NIRS Sensor - the Analysis Specialist

Which ingredients can NIRS detect? First, this depends on the examined substance. The strength of the NIRS technology lies particularly in the measurement of dry matter. But beyond that, NIRS can do even more. When analyzing rations, NIRS not only determines the dry matter (TM), but also starch (XS), crude protein (XP), crude fat (XL), crude sugar (XZ) and crude ash (XA). In organic fertilizers, NIRS detects parameters such as total nitrogen (Nges), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), potassium oxide (K2O), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) and dry matter (TS).

Your advantages at one glance:

  • Innovative procedure with a wide range of analysis options
  • Easy and fast analyses with high degree of accuracy
  • Sustainable optical analysis option
  • Calibration databases for highly accurate results

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